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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Breaking Bad In

Due to pain running in my arches in the midst of every run, I returned to Running Room Hawaii to see what my options were. I ended up replacing my Rapunzel purple Asics purple shoes that I bought for the Disneyland 10K with a pair of minimalists from Saucony. I am still a little leary about the transition to minimalist shoes from stability shoes.

I took them out for a run this morning and so far so good. I am not sure if it's because I KT taped my left arch, but my right arch seemed to hold up for the typical 5K run. We shall see how my calves hold up come tomorrow morning. According to other online articles and from the guy at the Running Room, they all concur that one should only break in the shoes 10% at a time. Sadly, that seems like a big setback in terms of training for my 10K. I don't want injury so I am hoping that that will pay off.

The shoes though did stand true to the weather though, it poured pretty hard, and they didn't get sloshy like the other shoes I have, so that was a plus! Will keep that part updated too as that was another worry about those shoes.

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